Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Few Things

There are only a few things about me that I am most proud.

I do what I say I am going to do, no matter what it is.
I will never cancel.

I am always on time, heck I am always at least 10 mins early.

I am very loyal.

I trust fully until you give me a reason to not and then it will take you a very long time to gain it back.

I have an extremely high work ethic that no one can compromise.

I am very quiet and when I am uncomfortable it is even worse. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Sam Hunt

"We can recreate the party on the Rooftop"

In case y'all haven't heard me go on and on about a guy named Sam Hunt, you are probably 
living under a rock.  LOL

It all started on a night going to see Florida Georgia Line at the historic Georgia Theatre.
My sister in law and I were sitting on the rooftop getting our drink on 
when I noticed this guy that looks exactly like my brother in law only difference was this 
guy wears a fedora and my BIL doesn't. 
We sat next to these guys for the longest time and I kept saying to my SIL I need to tell him.
Long story short I didn't, next thing we know we look up at the screen to the opening act and 
who would have thought that group of people sitting next to us was the opening act. 

The next morning I went on Facebook and Twitter and started following this true talent.

Everybody Sam Hunt!

Athens, GA 
March 20, 2013

I checked out his Youtube and did nothing but listen to "Make You Miss Me", "Come Over" and "Vandalizer" at work for months.  

I looked everywhere no other music anywhere until June 1st when the first mixtape came out called "June".  This mixtape was my soundtrack for the whole month of June!  I listened to it on the way to the cancer hospital to visit my aunt. 

"July" came out July 26th after my Aunt passed and my dad was about to have his aneurysm.  Incredible Music! 

This guy is Legit and has helped me through tough times just by having his music out there!

I have been fortunate enough to meet and continually see him in concert and watch each show get better and better each time.

Charlotte, NC  
Nov. 8th, 2013

Rome, GA
December 6, 2013 
Happy Birthday to Me!

Marietta, GA
January 30, 2014

Athens, GA
January 31, 2014

Birmingham, AL
February 1, 2014

Tifton, GA
February 15, 2014

(And as I type this "Raised On It" is playing on SXM The Highway :))

He is a nice and genuine artist that is very talented and will have tremendous success. 

I can't wait to continue to support and see where this ride takes him.
I feel like I got to the party before it started with Sam instead of after.

Thanks for a great 11 months so far buddy!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Do you Judge too soon? Do you take advantage of things in situations?

Do you ever judge someone by their cover? Do you ever stop and think maybe they are going through or have overcome something difficult that you couldn't imagine?

I battle feelings over these topics...I know I am not the skinniest girl, I know I am not the prettiest girl but I do have feelings.  I constantly feel judged based on appearance.  I am very self conscious when I am around other females.  It is not jealousy I am pretty sure it was the constant bullying I went through when I was little, elementary and middle school. I don't think people realize what they might think is not hurtful really is.

One other thing that bothers me is the feelings of being used.  I am a sweet girl, I will help you if I can, I will be an ear to vent to.  I don't ask for a lot in return but maybe the same in return.  I feel like I have a label on my forehead that I do not see but everyone else in the world does.  I try not to let things bother me but they do sometimes.

Just somethings that I have rolling around in my mind...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Old Feelings

Recently old things have come up, I really only think about them when I go to concerts sometimes.  It was 10 years ago when I went to a Ryan Cabrera show I got there early waited in line and got front row where I always like to be.  I can remember it clear as day; I got tapped on the shoulder and told I should “let skinnier people up front, because 2 people could stand where I was.”  To this day it haunts me.  Don’t get me wrong I still get front row but I always think the artist probably would like the skinnier “twig” girls up front.  Another time I caught a guitar pic and this girl wanted it and because she couldn’t have it she told me I needed to get in the back because I took up more room.  Why do girls or the general world population think they can say such hurtful words and its okay? 

I was a heavier girl, but I have lost 27% of my previous weight which is about 72 pounds.  This is not an easy battle.  I am about 45 pounds away from my goal weight.  I will see pics from “Behind the Drum Set” and sometimes I am okay with it and sometimes I think “girl you have to hit that gym”.  Where am I going with this…?

My self-confidence is always in doubt.  Some days I am the most confident then there are the days that it is at an all-time low.  Again it comes up at concerts the most; I think these guys want to see the skinny girls.  What about the girls that are a little over average that are there for the music and not to bed the Singer or his band?  Can she not have a good time and be up front?  I always am secretly thinking “Sorry guys I know you don’t want me up front”.

People are cruel, I wish I didn’t care as much as I do but it is an insecurity I have had since grade school, I seem to always be the one picked on even though I am a sweetheart.  I can come across as defensive, I don’t mean to but maybe it is from the constant teasing I got from school and a sibling? 

It is a constant struggle that I am learning to control.